Extra Safety Measures Effective Monday, December 13, 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Due to the recent events on campus, we will be implementing extra safety measures. Effective Monday, December 13, an ingress (entry) and egress (exit) system will be implemented that will allow for a controlled entry and dismissal. Social media, school marquee and Parlier High School website will help provide added communication for those who do not have access to ParentSquare.
Students will have two morning access points to Parlier High School. The main gate will be supported by a second gate at the North Gym (Fig Street). Staff will greet students at both entry points. Four exit gates will provide students off campus support. All exits will be staff monitored.
The following sections of campus will be dismissed and students will be guided safely off campus. We will dismiss students at the medical building, English, Math, and Social Studies classrooms (Rm. 23-51) at exits on Stadium Way. Students in the north, south gym and English Language Development (Rm 11,15-16) classes will be dismissed at the Fig Street gate. Students in the Science, Art building, Mendez Library (Rms. 2-9 and Rms. 12, 17 &19) and Administration office will be dismissed through the front gate on 3rd Street.
There will also be additional Parlier Police presence on campus to support District safety measures. Extra staff will be visible and mobile on campus during the week. Students will be monitored with additional support as they transition to each class and during lunch. Teachers will continue to greet students at the door at the beginning and end of each class. Please speak to your child and assure them that we are available if they require support services. Counseling services will be available to support students and staff throughout the week before school at 7:30 a.m. and during breaks and lunch.
The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. Empowering our community to participate and collaborate with us in our efforts to keep our children safe is paramount. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any comments, questions or concerns.
Respectfully yours,
Dr. Sara R. Soria
Parlier High School Principal